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Relations between Georgia and Republic of Armenia

Diplomatic relations between Georgia and Republic of Armenia were established on 17 July 1992.

Fields of Cooperation

Georgia and the Republic of Armenia enjoy close friendly relations, which are based on principles of good neighborhood, mutual respect and cooperation.

The dynamics of visits on both the executive as well as the legislative body levels are active.

Relations between the two countries are regulated by the broad contractual base, which covers almost eighty documents.

The Republic of Armenia is one of the largest trading partners of Georgia, with whom Georgia enjoys free trade regime.

In addition to political and trade-economic relations, cooperation in the field of culture is one of the priority areas. Special importance is given to the tourism sector, since the resorts of Georgia represent significant touristic route for Armenian citizens.

Useful Links

Embassy of Republic of Georgia in Armenia
Embassy of Republic of Armenia in Georgia
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia
President of Armenia
Parliament of Armenia
Government of Armenia